The Pros And Cons Of Fitness Supplements

One of the most discussed subjects concerning fitness and sports is supplements. When they are being discussed, fitness supplements tend to split opinions in one of three ways. The first group are those that are for supplements, use them, and swear that they have helped make them fitter, faster, and stronger.

The second group are those who are vehemently opposed to supplements, either because they simply refuse to use them or because they are fearful of possible side effects. The third group are those that are neither opposed nor in favour of supplements, simply because they do not have enough information to make a definitive decision one way or the other.

For that last group, and possibly for some of those opposed to supplements simply because they do not know enough about them, we are going to outline some of the pros and cons of fitness and sports supplements. We do so without any intention of coming down on one side of the argument or the other, as it is up to each individual to make that choice.


Increased Muscle Mass: Taking supplements that contain a prominent level of protein or creatine can be a shortcut to building muscle mass, provided you are doing the weights and muscle-building workouts that promote enhanced and stronger muscles.

Greater Energy Levels: Many fitness and sports supplements contain caffeine, and as you should well know, caffeine is a popular stimulant. Other ingredients known to boost energy include coenzyme Q10, carnitine and magnesium.

Improved Blood Flow: Blood is what carries oxygen around the body, so the better its flows, the more your body is oxygenated. One of the most acknowledged groups of ingredients for improved blood flow is nitric oxides, which include arginine, pycnogenol, and norvaline.

Greater Stamina: The more stamina you have, the longer your workout sessions can last, increasing the benefits. Supplements that include ingredients such as creatine, beta-alanine, whey protein, and vitamin B are recognised as stamina-building.

Fat Loss: Often called ‘fat burners, ’ these supplements help the body to burn fat by increasing fat metabolism levels and fat oxidation whilst at the same time reducing fat absorption. Specific examples include cayenne, green tree extract, and amino acids.


Many Unnatural Ingredients: Many sports supplements contain several unnatural ingredients, which can include chemicals and dyes. Many of these synthetic ingredients can be harmful to the body, especially if the supplements which contain them are used excessively.

Increased Blood Pressure: By the nature of how some supplements work, they can induce high blood pressure in users. If the high blood pressure becomes persistent, then the person is at a much higher risk of life-threatening conditions such as heart attack or stroke.

Insomnia: With the high levels of energy generated by fitness supplements, it is possible that a person can experience frequent bouts of insomnia due to their body and brain being overstimulated.

Nutrient Deficiencies: A mistake some people make when taking supplements is that they think they are replacements for proper food, and thus they end up with a poor diet that lacks nutrition.

Potential Organ Damage: Studies have shown that taking fitness and sports supplements can damage our internal organs. In particular, the kidney and the liver have to work much harder and are thus most at risk if the body contains excessive levels of protein or creatine.